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TRUTH TRUST TREES 27 July – 6 August 2023





Alena Grom, Verena Issel, Laura J. Lukitsch, Sonya Schönberger, Nina E. Schönefeld, Benjamin Heim Shepard, Caroline Shepard, Andreas Templin, Philip Topolovac, Magaly Vega

Curated by Caroline Shepard & Benjamin Heim Shepard


OPENING: 27 July @ 5-9pm

With Movable Performance by Patrick Jambon @ 6-8pm
& Musical Intervention by Andreas Templin: Aurorhytmica Hymns // Extended Piano (Drone/Doom) @ 8:30pm


POETRY & SOUND: 2 August @ 6-8pm

“How Do We Love This World“: Sound Performance and Guided Cemetery Walk by Laura J. Luetisch,
“Roses of Resistance”: Reading by Federico Hewson,
& A Celebration of Trees with Poetry from Ben Shepard and Max Haivenm


FINISSAGE: 6 August @ 4-9pm

Raise money for Ukraine! Unique poster from Ukrainian artist Alena Grom will be for sale. Proceeds will be donated.
Caroline and Ben Shepard say “Adieu” to Berlin and all the wonderful people they have met. Celebrate with live music by the band “Isaak” and D/VJ AntiDodi.


EXHIBITION: 28 July – 6 August 2023

Opening Hours: Tuesday – Sunday @ 12-6pm


@ Verwalterhaus

The Old Cemetery St. Marien – St. Nicolai

Prenzlauer Allee 1, 10405 Berlin