Laura Valencia Lozada
1 June – 5 July 2023
1 July 2023 @ 5:00 – 9:00pm
Artist Residency Presentation by Laura Valencia Lozada
For the Art-In-Context Masters Program at the Universität der Künste Berlin (UDK)
Kunstquartier Bethanien
Mariannenplatz 2, Berlin

A Participatory Art Project
work-in-progress by Laura Valencia Lozada
SILO / Semillera de Memorias presents:
A graphic exploration of an encounter of narratives between women who work or have lived in the Tlatelolco neighborhood, in Mexico City and the Kreuzberg neighborhood, in Berlin. Both are districts where social movements have taken place, spaces of social and civil resistance against patriarchy, colonialism and capitalism.
Anna, Marisa Maza, Nayeli Vega and Shokoufeh Eftekhar
Dolores Espinoza, Ivonne Ojeda, Juana Canales y Reyna Barrera
For the Artist Residency at MOMENTUM-LAGOS Berlin, Laura Valencia Lozada collects stories from women living or working in Kreuzberg, a neighbourhood located in the central part of Berlin, and home of the MOMENTUM-LAGOS Residency in the historic Kuntsquartier Bethanien Art Center.
The idea is to add stories to Lozada’s ongoing project, the SILO / Semillera de Memorias Tlatelolcas archive, which is currently exploring the construction of memories of women living or working in neighbourhoods where social movements and spaces of resistance against patriarchy, colonisation or capitalism have taken place. The aim is to create an intergenerational dialogue between the participants and a reading of their memories from a non-linear time.
How are individual and collective memories created?
Who writes the history of our places, of our objects, of our encounters?
In the course of this Residency, Lozada proposes to initiate a dialogue between Tlatelolco and Kreuzberg, a district in the city of Berlin that was founded more than 100 years ago, and despite being much younger than Tlatelolco, they coincide and reflect each other, as Kreuzberg has a long history of social, labour, occupy, feminist and anti-racist movements. It also has a strong multicultural life with very large communities of Turkish origin and countercultural and artistic movements that have brought together artists creating collectives and self-managed their own spaces. Despite all this history, Kreuzberg is currently suffering from serious problems of gentrification, especially affecting housing due to property speculation, rising rents and the displacement of the district’s original inhabitants and neighbours. By constructing this paradigm of parallels between Kreuzberg and Tlatelolco, Lozada aims to draw on the context and knowledge of the city of Berlin, which has been the nerve center of a profound reflection on the study of memories and its relationship between memory and the city, art and creation.
In SILO, the elaboration of memories is proposed as a constant process of creation in the present, arising from the lived experiences of its protagonists as a human right to know what happened, and compiling subjective, affective accounts, with different versions of the event and unstable forms of memory.
SILO began in Tlatelolco, located in the centre-north of Mexico City, its origin and name come from the ancient Mexica City founded before the conquest, twin sister of Tenochtitlan and which archaeologist Eduardo Matus Moctezuma names as: “the first indigenous resistance against the Spaniards and the last city to be founded in the centre of Mexico in pre-Hispanic times” (Matos Moctezuma, 2021, p. 13). It was a key place in the formation of the 1968 student movement and the site of the 2 October 1968 massacre in the Plaza de las Tres Culturas by the government of President Gustavo Díaz Ordaz. In addition, in 1985, a strong earthquake damaged the structures of 12 of the 90 buildings that make up the housing unit that make up modern Tlatelolco and the fall of the Nuevo León building.
[SILO, 2021, Tlatelolco, Mexica City]

Berlin Artist Residency 2023: Background
CODEX – A Story of Conquest
“My Artist Residency at MOMENTUM-LAGOS continues the research I began in Mexico and Paris as a preparatory study for the elaboration of a codex that seeks the representation of a group of Tlatelolca women who participated in the last confrontation of the Mexica against the Spanish on August 13, 1521.
As part of my research in the Tlatelolca Biennial and the SILO/Semillera de memoria oral project, I found a first account told by the Tlatelolcas themselves about living in this place, it is a manuscript called “el Relato de la Conquista”, written by an anonymous Tlatelolca, which describes how women participate in the emblematic fall of the Mexica/Tlatelolcas on August 13, 1521.
From the analysis of the manuscript in a facsimile copy in the National Library of Mexico, it is evident that it was written by several authors, since you can see the calligraphic variations in the document, which led me to ask: Is it possible that a woman wrote this fragment? Can history or archaeological objects be read with a gender perspective as a manuscript written by pre-Hispanic authors? In addition, in the iconographic research, there are no images that describe them, which led me to propose in an exercise of imagination and creation of contemporary memories, and to propose the creation of a codex in which these women, their costumes, weapons, and insignia are represented.
SILO / Semillera de Memorias Tlatelolca, 2021, Mexico City
Numerous events have taken place in Tlatelolco throughout its history, and consequently, numerous are the stories and experiences linked to the space. The Semillera de Memorias Tlatelololcas was created to recover and contain the stories told by the inhabitants of Tlatelolco. The use of the silo in different latitudes evokes a container of grains to preserve them for as long as possible, which seeks to establish a relationship with the oral story as a subjective, affective, unstable and changing form of memory, but which arises from the lived experience of the protagonists themselves. The relationship of the seedbed as a container of microhistory leads us to think about the elements from which memory is constituted, its uses and functions in our society, questioning those stories that have been recovered and recorded, while many others are unknown. Of course, the violence exercised by the state on October 2nd in the Plaza de las Tres Culturas and the 1985 earthquake come to the fore, although the recovered accounts show that not everything has been, nor has everything been said.
Part of the project takes up the idea of the Tlacuila as a space for writing and the creation of memories, focusing on the stories of women who, from their lived experiences, explore the territory they inhabit.
– Laura Valencia Lozada
Laura Valencia Lozada is a Visual Artist educated at the Faculty of Arts and Design, UNAM, Mexico City. In Berlin is is affiliated with the Art In Context Masters Program at the Universität der Künste Berlin (UDK). Lozada specialized in art practices in context and participation by the Seminario de Medios Múltiples, FAD – UNAM. Lozada was part of the 2013-2014 class of the School of Peace and activisms J’Tatic Samuel Ruiz, Serapaz, Mexico City, and in 2017- 2018 she studied at the Independent Studies Program at MACBA in Barcelona. Her artistic practice focuses on the study of memory, artistic activism, participatory art and expanded graphics. In parallel, since 2003, Lozada has worked as a printer, and in collective projects of independent graphics.
Lozada’s work has been presented in venues such as: Museo Ex Teresa Arte Actual, Museo Nacional de la Estampa in Mexico City, Museo de Arte del Banco de la República in Bogotá, Stanlee and Gerald Rubin Visual Arts Gallery at the University of Texas at El Paso Texas, Espai D’Art Contemporani de Castelló – EACC in Valencia and Schweizerisches Architektur-Museum – SAM, Basel. Her exhibitions include: Carta Codex-escritura colectiva de mujeres buscadoras, Performatividades de la búsqueda, Galería Metropolitana UAM, Mexico City, 2022-2023. SILO/Semillera de Memorias Tlatelolcas, Centro de Interpretación Xaltilolli, CCUT, Mexico City, 2021. Video CUENDA. Crónicas-Resonancias, SBC-Gallery, Montreal, 2021-2022. SILO/Semillera de Memorias Tlatelolcas, Bienal Tlatelolca, Central de Maquetas, Mexico City, 2021. Habitat, exposición colectiva en Greengallery, 2019. Cuinar un Guateque, Paella de pedres, KGG, Stripart Festival, Guinardó, Barcelona, 2019. Encuentros en librerías feministas, libertarias y cooperativas, 21 Personae, Raqs Media Collective MACBA, Barcelona, 2018.
Pasos para hacer llover, PEI, MACBA, Barcelona, 2018. Neuma, Gráfica abierta – Rutas expansivas en la gráfica mexicana, Gallery B-132, Belgo Building, Montreal, 2018. Unión de Co-editores Gráficos, CODEX The 6th. Biennial International Book Fair, San Francisco, 2017. Cuenda-Acción escultórica colectiva, Universidad Autónoma de Morelos, Morelos, 2016. Neuma, HR negativo-Huella, Museo Nacional de la Estampa, Mexico City, 2016. Inicio de un diálogo epistolar, Un mundo en Común, Museo Ex-Teresa Arte Actual, Mexico City, 2016. CUENDA, Medios entre múltiples narrativas, Seminario de Medios Múltiples, Galería Metropolitana, UAM, Mexico City, 2015. Poéticas en Resistencia, Bitácoras de un equívoco, Estación Cero Lab, UNOSJO y Universidad de la Tierra, Oaxaca, El Parqueadero, Museo de Arte del Banco de la República, Bogotá, 2013-2014. Unión de Coeditores Gráficos, CACAO, Museo del Chopo, Mexico City, 2013. Cuenda Acción escultórica colectiva, Movimiento por la Paz con Justicia y Dignidad, Secretaría de Gobernación, Paseo de la Reforma, Mexico City and City Hall, Los Ángeles, 2011-2012. Segunda Vuelta dentro del proyecto Lemexraum, Bristol Biennial, Bristol, 2012. Saber vivido, Jardín de Academus. Museo Universitario de Arte Contemporáneo, MUAC, Mexico City, 2010. Mapping, Citámbulos, Un viaje a través del espejo. Museo Nacional de Antropología, Mexico City, 2010. Hipergrabado, Galería 100 m3 de Arte Contemporáneo, Mexico City, 2008. Hiperbólica, Estacionarte 3a. Muestra Itinerante de Arte Contemporáneo, Centro Cultural Universitario Tlatelolco, Mexico City, 2008. Mapping, Citámbulos, Instant Urbanisim. Danish Centre for Architecture DAC, Copenhagen, Espai D ́Art Contemporani de Castelló EACC, Valencia, SAM Museo Nacional de Arquitectura, Basel, Suiza, 2008-2007.

ARTIST STATEMENT – Laura Valencia Lozada:
My artistic practice has been taking the form of a membrane, a flexible fabric that in constant movement, contracts and expands towards different directions, a sensitive interface made of living matter.
Inwardly, it begins in the personal, in actions close to a simple craft, made with common forms and materials such as a gelatin, a rope, an oral story or my own body. Movement that uses tools such as drawing, cutting, engraving or microhistories.
Outward, with actions aimed at knowing and activating the relationship between art and memory, to generate moorings / encounters with forms of artistic activism, where feminism, eco-dependence and self-management have been taking greater prominence. This movement uses tools such as expanded graphics, participatory art, interventions in public spaces and the formation of self-management collectives.

is part of the
LAGOS Mexico City / MOMENTUM Berlin