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Terna Prize Artist Residency at MOMENTUM


Luana Perilli

CV – Website

1 May – 26 June 2015


Luana Perilli (b.1981, Roma) graduated from the Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma in 2010, where she currently lives and works in Rome. She was awarded with several residency grants: Pan Studios Program, Pan Museum, Napoli (supervised by Daniel Buren) in 2010; Art Omi, New York, grant by Dena Foundation in 2008 and Cité Internationale des Arts, grant by Incontri Internazionali D’Arte, Paris, in 2008 and 2004. Recent shows include: ‘Q.I vedo’, Napoli (), ‘Solitary shelters’ at The Gallery Apart, Roma, IT; ‘All for one’ at Medium Galerie, Bratislava, SK; ‘Roommates-Coinquilini Luana Perilli /Carola Bonfili’, MACRO, Roma, IT. Perilli has contributed to numerous group shows, including the 2014-15 Kochi Muziris Biennale in MOG Goa Museum, India; Internaturalità in PAV, Torino; Patria Interiore-interior homeland Golden thread Gallery, Project Space, Belfast; ITALIENISCHE KUNST HEUTE, Stadtgalerie, Kiel; Museum Biedermann, Donaueschingen; RE-generation, MACRO, Roma; Omaggio a Graziella Lonardi Buontempo , PAN, Napoli; An intimate story – Cotroneo Collection, MAMM Multimedia Art Museumof Moscow, Moscow.Perilli is currently professor of Multimedia Installation at Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma and professor of Art Sudio and Drawing at Cornell University in Rome.



During her Residency in Berlin, Luana Perilli will further deepen her investigation into post-critical collective awareness and the perception of nature.

The history of the city itself provides a great range of provoking issues and locations that recently changed paths of use and meaning, as they became taken over by necessity, aswell as by a will to activate a new awareness in the interpretation of spaces.

These locations are a large field for Perilli’s artistic investigation, alongside her interest in the idea of shelters, left overs and post-failure perception of the environment.

This critical shift and the ecological issues related to urban beekeeping and urban crops will inspire a new corpus of works made of videos, drawings and sculptural installations. Perilli will dedicate special attention to issues around collective intelligence.

Luana Perilli’s Kunst Salon:

Queen, the Rose and the Farmworker, A Tale on Free Climbing Society
Luana Perilli in conversation with Sumugan Sivanesan

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With the generous support of Premio Terna.